We would like to announce that on Sunday, October 20, 2019, the Annual General Assembly of our Club and Classic Car Tour will take place at Vavatsinia village.
The Board has decided, that this year, at the Annual General Meeting, we will honor four of our oldest members, based on the date they were enrolled in our Club and the fact that they have been present at almost all of our events over the years.
These members are:
- George Constantinides
- Andreas Georgiadis
- Michael Erotokritou and
- Andros Epiphaniou
On the day of the event, we will start with the Classic Car Tour at 10am from the Nero Cafe in Engomi, Nicosia. The tour will be completed at the village of Vavatsinia. There, the local Council President Andreas Gabriel will greet us and then at 12 noon, we will have the Annual General Meeting at the Elementary School, which was kindly made available to us by the President of the Council. Mr. Gabriel will also tell us about the village and its history. We will arrive at the local and well-known restaurant “Maria” for a delicious traditional lunch.
The Agenda of the Annual General Meeting will be as follows:
- Presentation of the Club’s activities.
- Presentation of Club Finances the end of 09/2019.
- Award Ceremony
- Approval of the Income and Expenses of the Club for the period ended 09/2019 and the Report of Activities.
- Appointment of Members of the Audit Committee. It consists of two auditors holding a recognized professional qualification and who are appointed annually by the General Assembly.
- Presentation of changes to the Club’s Statute to comply with the new Law on Associations and Clubs.
- Approval of the proposed changes in accordance with Article 17 of the existing Articles of Association.
- End of the Annual General Meeting.
According to the Articles of Association, the full Members who have settled their financial obligations with the Association have the right to vote at the General Meeting. Associated Members, do not have the right to vote, but may attend and express their views and positions.