A Club is founded by the name of “CCCTC” (Cyprus Classic Car Touring Club) based in Nicosia. The registered offices of the Club are situated at 1A, Agias Ekaterinis, 2368, Nicosia.
Article 2 – OBJECTIVES
The aims of CCCTC are the following:
2.1. The communication with international organizations in Cyprus with the purpose of promoting friendship and collaboration with them.
2.2. The exchange of experiences and opinions by members on technical, historical and tourist subjects and on general subjects of common interest.
2.3. The collaboration with other associations and clubs in Cyprus and abroad that are involved with old cars, with the aim of exchanging information on subjects of common interest.
2.4. The contribution and encouragement of tourism growth and development in Cyprus and the promotion of Cyprus internationally through events and activities with old cars.
2.5. The acquisition, restoration and maintenance of old, rare, classic or historic vehicles of categories that are set by the International Regulations of FIVA (Fédération International des Véhicules Anciens) or other international organizations for old cars.
2.6. The organization of events and activities for classic and historical cars depending on the categories set by the rules of International Organizations that deal with old cars such as FIVA (Fédération Internationale des Vehicules Anciens) or other international organizations for old cars.
2.7. The organization of such events for charitable aims.
2.8. The collection of paraphernalia for old cars such as books, photographs, newspapers, periodicals etc, for use by the members or other interested parties.
2.9. The encouragement and promotion of a spirit of understanding and care for old cars in general.
2.10. The publication of articles and magazines, including those on the internet, with subjects relative with the interests of the members of the Club and the distribution free of charge to the members and the public.
The objectives of the Club could be fulfilled also via:
2.11 The organization of excursions, games and family activities of all kinds, projection of relevant films, gatherings and lectures on various subjects with the aim of tightening the relations of the members.
2.12 The foundation and maintenance of a Club House or lounge.
2.13 The preparation of a special bulletin or periodical as the official publication of the Club, that will be circulated free amongst the members of the Club and other interested parties and the publication of relative material in other magazines and newspapers electronic or otherwise.
2.14 The setting up of a special library and the monitoring of the local and international automotive movement.
2.15 The pursuit of any contact and collaboration with any types of organizations, provided that this is judged to be in the interest of the Club and the arrangement of favorable terms for the members of the Club with tradesmen, garages and other relevant services.
2.16 The organization of meetings, gatherings, exchanges and promotion of information that interest those involved in the activities related to old cars and on issues of common interest.
Article 3 – MEMBERS
3.1. The members of CCCTC are subdivided in the following categories:
- Full Members: Individuals who are over 18 years of age and are owners of an old car. They can become Full Members by submitting their application to the Board accompanied by two references from other Full Members.
- Honorary Members. Honorary Members are nominated by a unanimous decision of the Board. They are individuals that offered exceptional services and have promoted the aims of the Club. Honorary Members do not have the right to vote, but only voice.
- Associate Members. They are individuals who are over 18 years of age, are not owners of an old car, but wish to promote the aims of the Club. Individuals can be registered as Associate Members by applying to the Board, accompanying their application with references from two Full Members. Associate Members do not have voting rights, but only voice.
- Young Members. They are individuals between 12 and 18 years of age that are interested in promoting the aims of the Club. Individuals can be registered as Young members by submitting their application to the Board, accompanied by references from two Full Members and their Parents/Guardians. Young Members do not have voting rights but only voice.
3.2. The right to vote and to be elected at the Meetings is only for Full Members that have arranged their financial obligations.
4.1. The registration of a Member starts with the submission of his/her application to the Board of the Club. There is a registration fee which is submitted with the application. The registration fee is fixed by the Board. Besides this sum, the applicant should send an annual membership fee as described in article 7 below, when the application is approved by the Board. The Board accepts or rejects the membership application. In case of a negative decision, the Applicant is allowed to send the application to an Extraordinary (EGM) (convened as per article 10 below) or an Annual General Meeting (AGM), asking for the annulment of the Board’s decision and the acceptance of the candidate. The GM takes the final decision by secret ballot and simple majority.
4.2. The amounts of the financial obligations above can be changed by a Board decision.
4.3. Any member can resign from the Club, provided that he has arranged his/her financial and other obligations. The resignation can take place at any time.
5.1. If any member of the Club intensely violates through his/her actions the state laws for Associations and Foundations, or acts in ways that oppose the objectives of the Club, or aims to deceit and cheat the Club, or commits serious penal offences, then the Disciplinary Committee imposes on this member, depending on the gravity of the offence and his/her plea, one of the following sentences:
- A written notice.
- A strict written reprimand.
- The provisional or permanent deprival of the right as a member to attend specific or all of the events of the Club.
- The removal from Office provided that this is approved by an Extraordinary General Meeting.
- The final expulsion from the Club provided that this expulsion is approved by an Extraordinary General Meeting.
5.2. The decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting that approves the final expulsion of the member of the Club as well as the one that approves the deposition from rank, is taken with a majority of one half (1/2) of the present financially arranged Full Members.
5.3. The Disciplinary Committee is comprised of three members and two surrogates which are appointed by the Annual General Meeting. The period of appointment of the members of Disciplinary Committee runs in parallel with that of the Board.
6.1. All members are eligible to participate at the events of the Club.
6.2. All members have the obligation to give every effort for the achievement of the objectives of the Club and to offer their services during various events.
6.3. All members have the obligation to pay regularly their subscriptions as described below and to align themselves with the decisions of the Board.
Article 7 – INCOME
7.1. The membership registration fee as described in article 4 above.
7.2. The Annual subscription that is fixed by the Board that covers the period from 1st of January up to the 31st of December of a specific year.
7.3. Income from donations, contributions, bequests, income by events organized by the Club and any other financial profit or support that devolves legally to the Club.
Article 8 – BOARD
8.1. The Club is managed by a nine member (9) Board. This is elected every 2 years by secret ballot at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Full Members. Candidatures for the fulfillment of the positions are submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Club 48 hours before the AGM and are supported by 2 Full Members of the Club.
- The elected Board meets and forms into a body within 7 days from the Annual General Meeting by electing by secret ballot the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 5 Members.
- The old Board continues to run and manage the Club until the new Board is formed into body.
- The Board meets regularly at least 12 times a year or exceptionally when called by the President or after a written application of 3 of its members, stating the reason for the meeting. In the second case, the President calls the meeting within 10 days from the day that he/she receives the written application.
- Five (5) members of the Board form a quorum.
- The decisions of the Board are taken by simple majority.
- During every meeting the Secretary takes the minutes. These are read and approved at the next meeting and signed by the President and the Secretary.
- The Annual General Meeting takes place once a year, not earlier than 10 months and not later than 14 after the previous Annual General Meeting. All the Founding and Ordinary Members have the right to participate at this meeting as per article 3 of these Statutes.
- The Secretary calls the Annual General Meeting in writing at least 21 days before the set date.
- The Annual General Meeting is considered to constitute a quorum when half plus one of the voting members are present.
- If a quorum is not reached within half an hour of the appointed starting time, then, all voting members present constitute a quorum.
- The General Assembly transacts the following business:
- Approves the minutes of the previous General Assembly.
- Elects the Members of the Board according to article 8.1.
- Appoints the auditors.
- Appoints the Members of the Disciplinary Committee and fills positions that have been vacant.
- Approves the income and expenditure for the year that ended, the minutes of the Board and the report of the Board on the previous year’s events.
- Amends the Articles of the Constitution of the Club.
- All Full Members who have arranged their financial obligations with the Club have the right to be elected in any official position of the club.
- All General Meetings apart of the Annual will be called Extraordinary General Meetings.
- The Board decides, if it deems it necessary, to call an Extraordinary General Meeting. An Extraordinary General Meeting is also called for, if at least 15 members ask for it in writing for any serious reason.
- The same provisions that apply to the Annual General Meeting apply accordingly to the Extraordinary General Meeting.
The financial accounts are audited by an Audit Committee. The Audit team consists of 2 auditors with professional qualifications from an authorized Accounting Body who are appointed yearly by the General Assembly.
Article 12 – THE PRESIDENT
The President, apart from the duties and powers vested to him/her by the previous articles, has the following responsibilities:
- Represents the Club legally. On special circumstances the Board after a relevant decision, may appoint a lawyer or lawyers or any other person to legally represent the Club.
- Represents the Club in all events and reports on behalf of the Board during the General Assembly.
- Together with the Secretary is responsible for the correct implementation of the present Articles.
- Together with the Secretary calls the meetings of the Board and presides during these meetings.
- Together with the Secretary co-signs all outgoing documents and performs the correspondence of the Club with him/her.
- Pre-signs the issued payment vouchers of the Club and together with the Treasurer binds the Bank Account of the Club.
The Vice President assists and replaces the President in all his duties in his absence or if he/she is occupied for other reasons.
Article 14 – THE SECRETARY
The Secretary, apart from the duties and rights given to him by the previous articles, has the following responsibilities:
- Represents the Club in all events together with the President.
- Together with the President is responsible for the correct implementation of the present Articles.
- Together with the President calls the meetings of the Board.
- Together with the President co-signs all outgoing documents and performs the correspondence of the Club.
- Keeps the minutes of the meetings and of General Assemblies, the correspondence files and keeps its seal.
Article 15 – THE TREASURER
The Treasurer has the following duties and responsibilities.
- He is responsible for the property of the Club.
- He keeps the Accounting books and records of the Club.
- He is responsible for the collection of all the dues and to issue receipts.
- Together with the President’s approval he withdraws money from and binds the Bank Account of the Club.
- He is always willing and in a position to give information to the Board and the General Meetings about the financial status of the Club.
- He must deposit to the Bank Account any amount held over one Hundred Euro (€100).
The Club may employ personnel to assist in its activities.
These articles of the statutes of the Club may be modified or amended by a decision of the Annual General Meeting with a three-quarters (¾) majority of the Full Members present and who are considered to constitute a quorum.
The objectives of CCCTC are amended by a three-quarters (¾) majority decision of the Full Members present at the Annual General Meeting and who are considered to form a quorum.
Regarding the dissolution of CCCTC, the provisions of Article 24 of the Associations and Foundations Law of the Republic of Cyprus are in effect. CCCTC is dissolved by a decision at the Extraordinary General Meeting that is called for especially this reason and which is decided by simple majority of the members that are present. In case CCCTC is dissolved, its wealth, after the payment of dues, is disposed of by a decision of the same Extraordinary General Meeting to a charity and under no circumstance will it be distributed to its members.
Article 20 – EMBLEM
CCCTC uses the following emblem:
In case a new emblem is chosen, then this will be done according to the provisions of the legislation and these Articles.
- Any matter not anticipated, or for which no provision has been made in these Statutes, or any vagueness or ambiguity in the said articles, then the Board decides upon it.
- The club is not responsible for any third party indemnity for an accident or damage to its members, or guests, or any other foreign person or their property during any kind of event, competition or game organized by the Club.
These Articles of Association have been compiled, approved, signed and adopted by the founding Members of CCCTC in Nicosia on the 20th of July 2010.