We would like to announce that on Sunday, October 18, 2020, we will organize our Annual General Meeting, together with a Classic Car Tour ending at Forviotissa Asinou, in the western part of the Nicosia province.
This year, the Board has again decided, that during the Annual General Meeting we will be honoring individuals who have shown a distinct commitment and activity in the promotion of classic vehicles in our country, as part of our global cultural heritage. This year, the Board has decided to honor Mr. Eracles Skyrianides.
During the event, we will also organize a competition for Classic Vehicle Owners/Members of our Club. Further details will be given soon.
The program for the day will start with the Classic Car Tour at 10 am from Nero Cafe in Engomi Nicosia and will be completed after about 1 ½ hour at Asinou. There, we will be hosted by the owner of Forviotissa at a specially arranged area for our AGM. Then at around 12 noon, we will have the Annual General Meeting. Later on, we will arrive at the restaurant for a delicious traditional meal, which includes drinks and desert.
The Agenda of the Annual General Meeting will be as follows:
- Presentation of the club’s activities.
- Presentation of the club’s finances until 09/2020.
- Award Ceremony
- Approval of the Club Income and Expenses for the period ended 09/2020 and Report of Proceedings.
- Elections for positions of the Board for the period 2020-2022.
- Appointment of the Disciplinary Committee members. The Committee consists of three members and two alternates appointed by the General Assembly. The term of office of the members of the Disciplinary Committee is the same as that of the Board.
- Appointment of Members of the Audit Committee. It consists of two auditors who hold a recognized professional qualification and who are appointed each year by the General Assembly.
- Closing of the General Meeting.
Pursuant to the Statute, the Full Members who have settled their financial obligations to the Association have the right to vote and stand for election at the General Assembly. Affiliated Members do not have the right to vote, but can attend the Meetings and express their views and positions.